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- 来源:作文范文 网址:http://zuowen.haoshiwen.org
There is nothing large or small except in our imagination. The tiger lets himself be frightened by a frog. The ant climbs directly into the crocodile’s open jaws.
There is no up or down. That depends only on the situation we find ourselves in. He who stands on his head an hour a day knows that.
I, the master, say that. There is no wet or dry. The sea is its own desert, the desert its own sea. There are springs hidden in a grain of sand. There are deserts of dryness between the drops of the sea.
There is no good or evil. There is a chain which rattles past without end, its links are made up of good and evil and are interlocked with one another. If one destroys this chain, one destroys the world. I, the master, say that.
There is no round or flat, no globe or surface. Everything curves in on itself, we only notice that we do not notice.
Knowledge is a burden. Where there is knowledge, there is no liberation. Thought and feeling rest heavily over each other, alternately. He who knows cannot understand. He who feels cannot realize. He who sits cannot walk. Everything which is itself suffers for not being something else. The done is not undone, the undone is not done and can never become that.
I, the master,say that.
Hewhocreatescannotrest.Creationcontinuesand pulls its
creator with it. The crime grows wider, but does not cease by widening.
A handful of emptiness would be able to dislodge the universe. But where could one get hold of a handful of emptiness?
The balance is delicate, but the balance’s possibilities are far drawn out. A lapel pin can counterbalance a six-story building, a straw hat a full-grown elephant. It depends on their placement in relation to each other.
The boat sinks when the reeds hide it, no glances hold it up longer.
Naked man frightens the fur covered animals, they do not recognize themselves in him.
The warrior carries his sword until it bores through him. The pious man carriers his cross until it takes root in him.
The sick man carries health with him like a flask of water. The prisoner draws the cage around himself. The free man also dupes freedom and leaves it behind him.
I, the master, say that. There is no past or future. The past tastes of future, the future tastes of the past, like the same water at two different times of the day. Only the river exists, without beginning or end.