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- 来源:作文范文 网址:http://zuowen.haoshiwen.org
At the zoo you notice the cats: they are voluntary visitors there and are not shut in cages, they come and go as they please, probably homeless cats, bold and enterprising, but not decadent wild cats, they do not permit themselves to be caressed or captured by human hands, they don’t seem to fight among themselves, but avoid each other, slink around, each one on his own. They glide in between the iron bars into the larger animals’cages, sit there as if for an experiment, on a temporary visit, as if they want for a moment to share the fate of the imprisoned animals or perhaps scoff at them in order to show their own freedom, or they sit on the roof of the cages and gaze down at the other animals, lick themselves thoughtfully or roll into a ball in their own well-being. They search for food and find it in difficult places, without difficulty: bits of meat dropped between the cages at feeding time or left by predators without great desire to eat, and above all fish that seals and other water animals are fed, not only by the caretakers at determined times but above all by the visitors, children, who can buy small fish in paper bags and throw them to the animals, of which many land on the ground and are fished up by the cats. They show a kind of dignity, almost as if they were invited guests or visitors with fixed rights, they can be quick if they need to, but they do not flee, feel no fear of the tiger’s roaring nor the walrus’s bellowing.They seem self-assured,purposeful,obviously feel the difference between themselves and the other animals, take a place for themselves, free beings who can look down on the prisoners, their own masters, who lead their lives where the visiting crowds move in and out, temporary and rather irrelevant.